There are seven building blocks known as sapt-dhatu in Ayurveda , Sapt – 7 , Dhatu – Constituent
- Rasa Dhatu: Plasma/lymph fluid.
- Rakta Dhatu: Blood.
- Mamsa Dhatu: Muscles.
- Meda Dhatu: Fat.
- Asthi Dhatu: Bone.
- Majja Dhatu: Bone marrow.
- Shukra Dhatu: Reproductive fluid or Semen.
These seven dhatus are made in the body after digesting the food we intake , if the food we eat is impure , unhealthy or Apathya ( something which is harmful for the body) , then these 7 dhatus become impure causing various diseases in the body.
Foods which are rich in Ojas , which kindle the digestive fire and which upon complete digestion do not leave toxic residue know as Ama are Pathya food i.e which are ideal to be consumed.